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Offering mobile physiotherapy services in Lincolnshire


Benefits Of Physiotherapy For Your Horse

- Assist in the recovery of an injury or surgery
- Improve range of motion and everyday function
- Reduce pain and discomfort
- Improve muscle mass, strength and endurance
- Improve working or sporting performance

Common Conditions Physiotherapy Can Help With

- Osteoarthritis
- Muscle Tension
- Kissing Spines
- Locking Stifle
- Fractures
- Sacroiliac Dysfunction
- Suspensory Desmitis
- Back Pain


- £65 initial consultation (1hr30mins)
- £60 a session thereafter (1hr)

*Veterinary consent will need to be obtained before your first appointment in accordance with the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and Veterinary Surgery (Exemptions) Order 2015.
A Maintenance Consent form may be applicable for maintenance or performance based treatment.

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